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21st October 2024 

Clinical Consultancy - Jahque Price-Rees

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Privacy Policy

In accordance with the new regulation (GDPR) concerning data protection (Commenced: 25 May 2018), I am responsible for the personal data (“personal information”) you provide me with for the purposes of providing you with a counselling, psychotherapy and supervision service.

This document describes what personal information is collected, stored and how it is used. Please review the information provided.

Clinical Consultancy and I are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO)

What personal data is collected, and Why:
Through online/telephone enquiry systems, application and assessment forms, I collect the following personal information:

Contact Details: Name, Email Address, Home and Mobile Telephone number(s), Home Address, Skype User-name, Preferred Method of Contact, Referral Source, G.P (other relevant professionals), Next of Kin.
Demographic Information: Nationality, Ethnicity, Religion, Employment Status, Relationship Status, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Date of Birth.
The above data is used for information and communication purposes so I can contact you and arrange/amend appointments, send invoices by email or text, or to contact you/next of kin/GP in the event of an emergency.
Any personal information gathered ensures I have the necessary background information to make accurate assessments and is used to provide you with a professional counselling/psychotherapy/supervision service relevant and appropriate to your individual needs.
Clinical Records: Some clinical information is kept, a record of sessions and fees charged.

How Data is Stored/Security:
Appropriate security measures are in place to ensure your personal data is not lost, accessed, or used in any unauthorized manner. Access to your personal data is limited to those contractors and other third parties on a need to know basis (see Third Party Sharing
below for more information). Strict confidentiality protocols are in place and any contractor/third party has to abide by them.
Communication data such as contact details is stored securely on my Computer, Mobile Phone, Email and Skype Accounts in line with the individual service providers security systems, and with my own individual password protection.
Clinical Records and general data I collect about you are stored on a fully accredited secure online cloud storage system (BACPAC - that is GDPR compliant, ICO registered and accredited by the ISO. This system is assessed every 6 months by the BSI to ensure high security standards are maintained. It is vetted by the NHS and the Ministry of Defence for hosting confidential medical information.
Paper records are securely held in a locked filing cabinet.

Breach of Data Policy:
If it becomes clear that a breach of data has taken place, I will notify the ICO within 72 hours.

How long is data kept?
Data is kept for a period of up to 7 years once the work has ended.

Deleting your data:
When the 7 year period is up all data is securely deleted.
Paper records are securely shredded, and all data records stored electronically are deleted.

Third Party Sharing:
On occasion it is necessary to disclose aspects of your personal information to other relevant professionals that might be involved in your care. However, any third party that has access to your personal information has to abide by the law when dealing with your personal data and has to have security in place to protect your personal data. Where possible, sharing data with relevant third parties takes place with your consent. However, there are some circumstance where safeguarding becomes a priority and whilst I will endeavor to seek your consent this may not always be possible in an emergency.

This includes the following circumstances:
1. I have reason to believe that you intend to harm yourself or someone else, or you disclose to me that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused. Where possible I would discuss my intention to contact a third party with you first, however, in an emergency this may not be possible.
2. I am required to by a court of law, i.e. a court orders me to disclose information about you. In these circumstances I would only disclose the minimum amount of information I deem necessary to satisfy the court’s order.
3. In the event of my death or sudden severe illness. A trusted colleague, who is authorised to, will have access to your personal information in order to contact you and carry out my instructions as specified in my Clinical Will, to ensure you are provided with a relevant counselling/psychotherapy/supervision service.

I will not sell or rent your personal information to any third party.

Links to other Websites
My website contains some links to enable you to visit other websites easily. However, once you have used these links to leave this website please be aware that I or clinical consultancy do not have any control over other websites and we cannot be responsible for the protection or privacy of your information whilst visiting other websites as these sites are not governed by this privacy statement.

Your Rights in relation to Stored Data.
• You have the right to request access to a copy of any personal information by making a written 'subject access request'
• You have the right to request that your personal information is updated, amended, or specific elements erased if you believe there are inaccuracies or that there is no good reason for me to retain it, except where I am legally bound to retain the information.
• You have the right to withdraw your consent to the holding of your personal data.

If you wish to exercise your rights please write to me at the practice address.

I will review and respond to written requests within 30 days.

All requests will be reviewed under applicable data protection legislation.

• You have the right to initiate a complaint if you are not happy with the way your personal data is being handled. Initially this complaint should be sent to me. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint to the ICO.

Giving Consent: I will require consent prior to beginning the work.

Changes to this privacy notice

This Privacy Notice will be kept under review and may be updated at any time.

You will be provided with a new privacy notice when any substantial updates are made.

Clinical Consultancy is committed to protecting your personal information and privacy.
